Who decides what happens in Bo’ness, Cardenden, and Dalmellington? At the moment most of us have things done to us; power exercised over us by those who often don’t work with our community interests at their core.
Challenging this can be hard to do as individuals and sometimes, even, as organised groups. Reclaiming Our Communities is an opportunity to build and take power by working together with people from across each town, in the form of mini-publics. These will involve democratic workshops to discuss, learn and deliberate on the kind of things people want to happen and how, rounding off with a community lunch.
The process will be held over two half-day events in February and March. The venues will be specially designed inside to convey the significance and value of what people are doing as well as an opportunity to experience the hall in an new and different way.
Bo’ness, Town Hall. 3 Feb and 3 March
Cardenden, Auchterderran Church Hall. 17 Feb and 17 March
Dalmellington, TBC. 24 Feb and 24 March
The aims and ideas that come out of the mini-publics will brought to the rest of the town in an open Fun Day where more people can have their say and vote on the suggestions. These events will be used to produce five year plan for the town and communities, as well as a means of attracting more funding for the projects, ideas and aims that come out of the process.
Come to your local event to meet, share, and learn from others in your town and communities and form part of a bigger movement across Scotland where ordinary people are working together to take back control.
For more details about your town and to sign up, visit;
Town Hall, Stewart Avenue, Bo’ness.
Times: 9.30am – 1pm, Lunch 1pm onwards.
Auchterderran Parish Church, Auchterderran, Fife.
Times: 11am – 1pm, Lunch 1pm – 2pm.
The Scout Hall, Main Street, Dalmellington.
24th February and 24th March.
Times: 10am – 1pm, Lunch 1pm – 2pm.